DUPI viert 12,5-jarig bestaan

DUPI Underwriting Agencies werd in 2010 onder de naam DMI (Dutch Marine Insurance) opgericht. De oprichting werd vandaag uitgebreid gevierd.

Foto: Het 12,5 jarig jubileumfeest van DUPI was drukbezocht. Inzet: Stijn Bakkeren (l.) en Anton Cornel (r.).

Het grote feest vond plaats in de historische Schiedamse havens samen met alle DUPI collega’s en 450 betrokken klanten en relaties uit binnen- en buitenland. Het was een prachtige avond met in totaal 600 man, die hebben genoten van optredens van de huiszanger van DUPI, Andrew Dean, het trio ‘Roept u maar’ en als klapper op de avond Joel Borelli.

Rond zes uur hielden Anton Cornel, Managing Director van DUPI Underwriting Agencies en Executive Director van DUPI Group, en Stijn Bakkeren, Executive Director van DUPI Group, een speech waarin ze om beurten het woord namen.
Stijn: "First of all apologies, this will only be 5 minutes, in what is a menage-a-deux (this is for our French colleagues)…"
Anton: "​However Stijn and I would not be standing here if it was not for the endless commitment, relentless dedication and never-give-up mentality of all of us at DUPI!"
Stijn: "​Thank you very much for joining all of us at DUPI in celebrating 12.5 years of DUPI Underwriting! We are proud, delighted and privileged to have you here in such a great number."
Anton: "​On a very short serious note, and paraphrasing the infamous late Joe Strummer : should we stay, or should we go? Looking back, there was a very sound business case for DUPI Underwriting in 2010: the Marine insurance market in the Netherlands desperately needed a challenger to the establishment!
There is good news and bad news : the good news is that we have successfully challenged the establishment, the bad news is that we are the new establishment."
Stijn: "​Are we? Or are we not? Nooo, of course we are not! And we will never be, because we are DUPI! We do things our way, we do things the DUPI way!"

Anton: "​We are committed to serve our clients and brokers, support our colleagues, partner with our carriers, adding value to the market. Adding value to the system. We at DUPI are only one phone call away, we at DUPI do not need to escalate to the ivory towers of an anonymous head office, at DUPI what you see is what you get."
Stijn: "​Mixing business with pleasure, that is the DUPI way. Because business life is a party and we love to be your host. So are we than the new establishment ? We hope not, we think not !"
Anton: "​And we are only half way through our journey, so you better watch out! Once again, dear colleagues, dear clients, dear carrier-partners, dear friends, thank you for your support! Together we make a difference, together we will win the world, together we keep challenging the establishment."
Stijn: "​That Business Case is still alive and relevant! So they better watch out."
Anton: "​Thank you all very much, enjoy yourselves and each other and let's hold on to each other !"



DUPI Group is in 1988 opgericht als kleine Nederlandse schadeverzekeraar onder de naam Dutch P&I. In de afgelopen dertig jaar is die verzekeraar uitgegroeid tot de DUPI Group; een bedrijf met meer dan 120 werknemers en meerdere vestigingen verspreid over drie landen. DUPI Underwriting Agencies B.V. is de grootste tak van de DUPI Group.


Collage: Cindy van der Helm
Geplaatst op 15-09-2022

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